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Twice a week, I write pieces teasing out dimensions of the Christian moral life, once for everyone and once for supporting subscribers.
For the most part, newsletters will intersect with some current question, but focusing on the what and how of our moral lives as Christians have lived it out over time.
What We Do and Don’t Do
The Do’s: slow, descriptive work about what the Christian moral life looks like, has looked like historically, and might look like. Lots of engagements with thinkers, arguments, and wise interlocutors. Some writing updates, book recs, and some stories to pay attention to, but mostly, taking the time to tease out big questions over time.
The Don’ts: No culture wars. No hot takes on the latest Twitter war. No one will remember it tomorrow. I’m interested in the moral life and how it ticks. Don’t let the news frame what the moral life is: let the moral life frame what’s worth calling news.
The Breakdown: One post each week is for public access, and one post each week is for paid subscribers. Options are pretty broad if you want the full experience. Paid subscribers also get access to other special features, like a monthly Zoom hangout, commenting, and other occasional features. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website.
Paid Subscribers:
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