Just finished, From Isolation to Community - wow. Certainly has altered some of my thinking. Enjoying these posts re: the Decalogue - I’m doing a deep dive in prep for a Bible class for my church focusing on the Sermon on the Mount. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks so much for reading!

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I’m reminded of this quote from Pete Greig: “We want God to airlift us out of our problems, but more often than not, he parachutes in and joins us in the midst of them.”

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Love this. I love working out how God's promises and order extend beyond the Israel of one moment in time.

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Thanks for writing this. I've always been fascinated by the Decalogue so I am looking forward to what you will have to say. I guess I never thought that the Egyptians were affected too - that the Law was also for them in some universal way. I agree when you say that the Revelation of God is for oppressed people and that makes me wonder why in today's unequal society that more are not hungering for the Words of Life.

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