Stories for people who need good fiction and good theology at the same time, in the tradition of George MacDonald, C. S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, Flannery O'Connor, Madeleine L'Engle, and many more.
Bonfire spirituality for benighted faith. Biweekly meditations on how Christianity in America might lose gracefully, die with purpose, and then do something else. Made possible by unRival Network.
What do plumbing and St. Benedict have in common? Me.
Writing about ora et labora—prayer and work—vocation, theology, philosophy, blue collar life, the trades, plumbing, technology, tools, culture, and more.
Expert analysis on the fields of Catholic theology and ministry, explorations of historical theology, commentary on current events, and theological and spiritual reflections.
I write about learning from Jesus and other wise followers of his Way how to live each day as he would if he were in our shoes. I focus on spiritual formation, cultivating character, and contributing to the common good.
I write about theology and the moral life, which includes reflections on Scripture, the body, honor and reputation, the imagination, technology, and much more.
Matt writes broadly on the Christian moral life. He and I disagree on so much! But there are few people I like disagreeing with more.